Here you’ll find industry extension information, project updates, and what the SheepMetriX team have been up to…
eID Implementation on Farm Training
SheepMetriX were successful in obtaining funding from AgriFutures Australia and have partnered with the Bookham Ag Bureau and the South West Slopes Sheep Breeders Association to deliver a series of workshops to help assist producers with technical support to implement eID technology on farm.
DNA Project update at 2021 MerinoLink Conference
Well done to Rachael Longmore who presented an update on the University of New England, AU Meat & Livestock Australia MerinoLink Limited DNA Stimulation Project at the MerinoLink conference.
What is MateSel?
MateSel is a tool that was developed by University of New England and is hosted on the Sheep Genetics website, helping to take mating selections to another level.
Pregnancy Scanning – What should you be collecting?
It is well known pregnancy scanning ewes in a Commercial flock has many great benefits and is also a great trigger to get your tag's ordered for the coming lambing season.
New Traits for Reproduction
NLW (Number of Lambs Weaned) ASBV (Australian Breeding Value) is used to select for reproduction however it combines many stages of the reproductive cycle.
Measure to Manage – Wyvern Weekend
Sally and Sam had the opportunity to present one of the training sessions at this year’s Wyvern Weekend run by the Peter Westblade Scholarship.
Do you understand the responsiveness of your flock’s reproductive rate?
Did you know that this response in reproductive rate varies between flocks by as much as 13% and 60% more lambs for each extra condition score (CS).