The SheepMetriX team are involved with a number of projects and trials, supporting producers and other service providers to bring the latest and greatest information to the forefront of the industry. Check out the ones we are currently involved below…

Coming Up

The Optimising Ewe Lamb Joining Project Annual PDS Field Day

26th March 2025

RSVP by the 24th of March

Current Projects and Trials...

Concluded Projects and Trials…

  • MLA PDS - Supporting Sheep producers transition to non-mulsed sheep (2021-2024)

    This project will support sheep producers to utilise existing tools and management strategies available to transition to a non-mulesed flock.

    The project objectives are to assist group members to:

    • Identify their breech strike risk factors (environmental, genetic and management),

    • Demonstrate and evaluate cost/benefits of possible options for reducing risk, and

    • Develop their own management strategy (5-year plan) to reduce this risk.

    As the project comes to an end, we encourage you to hear from the producers involved and their experiences. Several case studies are available below:

    1. Dag Management -

    2. Tail Docking -

    3. PDS Sites -

    4. Producer Perspective (Mark's Journey) -

  • 2021 SWS Sire Evaluation - Frogmore NSW (Results available soon)

    SheepMetriX partnered with the South West Slopes Merino Breeders to run the 2021 SWS Sire Evaluation.

    SheepMetriX manage the site activities and provide independent data collection and management for all of the 15 entrants. It is worth mentioning that sire evaluations are just that, an evaluation of a sire - this is not a bloodline comparison.

    15 Sires are being evaluated over 2 years (2021 to 2023).

    Anderson Poll, 160729 (Link)

    Brooklyn, 191277

    Bundilla Poll, 191826

    Grassy Creek, 180553

    Greendale, 170029

    Hazeldean, 18002529

    Hazeldean, 19000266

    Kerin Poll, 190902

    Lach River, 140366

    Mulloorie, 160059 (Link)

    Mumblebone, 191128

    Pooginook Poll, 190453

    Tallawong, 180085

    Wantana Hills, 180008

    Yarrawonga, 171162

  • UNE/MerinoLink DNA Stimulation Project - now concluded

    The UNE/MerinoLink & MLA DNA Stimulation Project has been a major genetics adoption program in Merino sheep breeding industry which ran from January 2018 to July 2022.

    The project focused on working with the project participants to strategically use the genetic and genomic tools currently available to double their rate of genetic gain by 2022.

    The project involved intensive mentoring by a scientist and genetics service provider who gave both breeders and their genetics service providers involved in the project the opportunity to upskill and network through one on one meetings and group workshops. This resulted in better knowledge, understanding and more accurate breeding values, that provided breeders with the ability to better utilise tools to increase genetic gain in their flocks.

    Over all the collective group was able to increase the rate of genetic gain by 134% in the duration of the project compared to the previous five years.

    This project forms a framework to demonstrate that rates of genetic gain can be improved via co-investment models, relationship building and upskilling of people.