Where does flock profile fit into ram buying?

The Flock Profile is a great tool however, it is more suited to breeders who don’t purchase rams with ASBVs and provides a genetic benchmark (average ASBVs) and reflects the rams you used 5 to 7 years ago.

The Ram Team Manager (RTM) and Flock Profile are two tools that complement one another. If you purchase rams with ASBVs the RTM will be a great tool to predict what your progeny will be doing in 5 to 7 years.

Both tools are complementary and provide a benchmark you can use when looking to purchase rams based on where you are sit for the traits of importance in your breeding objective.

What can I be doing?

Remember when the time comes to look at rams you should aim to have your new ram team's genetic merit HIGHER than last year to see improvements

Its not too late to prepare for ram sale season, get in touch with one of the team via the link at the top of the website

Already purchased rams this season?

We can help you update your Ram Team Manager ready for joining!


Transitioning to Non-Mules Seminar - RECAP


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