Transitioning to Non-Mules Seminar - RECAP

The SheepMetriX team held a seminar in June, which explored some important topics when considering ceasing to mules. 
We have captured a brief summary of the seminar for your information and will be putting some more detailed resources together in the coming weeks. If you would like to receive specific information on this topic please register below to be on our email list.

Speakers and topic summary

Sally Martin (SheepMetriX) - talked about breeding options to breed sheep less susceptible to flystrike (breech and body) and having a balanced approach, not just focusing on one trait and making sure you have a clear breeding objective and a PLAN (that includes all your management options). Sally also presented the current industry trend of reducing breech wrinkle and increasing wool cut, shown below:

Ed Storey (Farmer and WoolProducer President) - talked about the Global perspective from markets and consumers including views on pain relief.

Lisa Warn (Lisa Warn Consulting) - covered all things management and asked some very important questions

  • Are your sheep ready?

  • Do you need to modify your management calendar?

Lisa also looked at some of the tools available to assist - FlyBoss (ParaBoss) and Ag360 (which is now available for free to access).

Narelle Sales (NSW DPI) - gave a thorough outline of chemical resistance and the best ways to manage this on-farm and how to access the chemical resistance tests. Narelle also talked about a new project that will focus on providing more regionally specific estimates of fly resistance issues.

Georgie Milne (Young Vet Clinic) - gave an overview of all of the current pain relief options available:

Lucinda Eddy (SheepMetriX), Glen Oxford (Kambah Poll); Robynn Sargent (Rockview) and Beau Steward (Eulo) talked about the MLA Producer Demonstration Project, what their experiences have been working through the process to transition to non-mules and the demonstration projects they are involved with.

  • Sire Evaluation (Low and High Breech Wrinkle sire groups);

  • Tail docking methods

  • Breech Wrinkle Scoring methods.

Rick Baldwin (Bundilla Merinos) and Paul O'Connor (Oxton Park) shared their journey and approach to running a non-mules flock. Rick talked about the importance of having a balanced animal that can respond better to market and environmental influences. Paul highlighted the importance of finding bloodlines that will enable you to achieve your breeding objective.

If you were unable to attend the seminar and would like more information you can sign up to our mailing list specifically to recieve information about the MLA Producer Demonstration Project via the link below:

Are you interested in transitioning your flock to non mules?

The SheepMetrix Team are keen to assist and help you develop a pathway. If you would like to discuss your options with one of our team please contact via the button at the top of our website


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