The value of using teasers prior to joining.
Teaser Rams
For those joining over the summer, it is time to start thinking about doing a pre-joining check on your ram team. Follow the link to our February blog- ‘The Joys of Joining (Ram Edition)’ for a run down on procedures to be carried out on your ram team six weeks prior to joining.
Have you considered using teaser wethers or rams to optimise oestrus synchronisation?
The use of vasectomised rams or testosterone-treated wethers is a method assist commence cycling of ewes so they are ready for when the entire rams enter the flock. Using teasers has been seen to have a greater impact on breeds which are more responsive to seasonal joining and is a good tool when joining ewe lambs.
The ‘Ram Effect’ of using teasers, will only be effective if ewes are kept at least one kilometre away from any rams for four weeks prior to introducing the teaser rams.
A ewe’s initial cycle stimulated by the pheromones of a ram is often a ‘silent heat’. Therefore, when teaser rams are used, this silent heat will be passed by the time the breeding rams come to do their job. Another advantage of using teasers is the more compact joining and lambing.
When putting teaser rams/wethers out with your flock the following is recommended:
The number of teaser rams used should be equal to the number of rams you plan on joining (eg 1 to 2%). For testosterone-treated wethers use twice as many (2 to 4%).
Introduce breeding rams into the ewe flock 14 days after the teasers have been introduced.
Removing the teaser rams/wethers from the ewes when the breeding rams are introduced.
Using a fitted harness and crayon on your teaser rams/wethers is an effective way of seeing when most of your ewes are cycling.
Alternatively, moving the breeding rams to an adjacent paddock for two weeks prior to joining has the same effect… if the fence is sufficient!
Young, vasectomised rams (4-5 months old) are most suitable to be chosen for teasers as they are energetic and have less health concerns than an older ram. The surgery needs to be carried out by your local vet and needs to be completed at least six weeks before they are due for work.
Wethers are to be injected with testosterone (supplied by your local vet) seven days prior to being put with the flock. It is important to get this timing right as the testosterone will only last 3-4 weeks.
Links to other references
Zotetis - Teaser rams influence on joining
Local Land Services (Murray) - The ewe breeding cycle and the “Ram Effect”
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