Footrot Project 2022

SheepMetriX is involved in an exciting new project with neXtgen Agri.

The aim is to provide phenotypic data collected in the Australian environment to contribute to the development of ASBVs for Footrot, which will eventually provide an indication of the genetic susceptibility of a sire’s progeny to contracting Footrot.

There are currently 4 ram breeders that participated this year (2022) by sending cull rams to a site in Victoria where they were exposed to the Footrot and then scored under animal ethics protocols. All the data has now been submitted to Sheep Genetics and AGBU for analysis.

Updates of their progress will be provided in our monthly eNewsletters.

If you are a ram breeder and would like to be involved with this project in 2023, please let us know by clicking the link below to send us a message


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