eID Implementation on Farm

eID technology has been around for a while now and is increasingly being used by livestock producers to assist with breeding and production decisions. With the mandatory implementation of eID across Australia for sheep and goats, there comes an opportunity.

The application of eID technology for both commercial and stud production systems is enabling producers to fine tune their management and breeding programs.

SheepMetriX is offering a one-day workshop with the support of AgriFutures Australia (Producer Technology Uptake Program), the workshop is designed to assist livestock producers increase their understanding of the technology, application and use of the data captured.

Why collect individual data? To use it!

It is important to have a plan and don't get distracted by all the shiny toys and sales pitches.

It will not be actual technology that will make a difference, it will be how you approach using it and the data you collect.

In most circumstances we will be aiming to identify the poor performers as early as possible. This will depend on what traits you are measuring and that are important to your breeding or production goals. Once the poorer performers have exited the system you will then be working with the middle and higher performers.

Our next workshop will be run in Goulburn, NSW on Friday 4th August 2023. If you are interested to attend please follow the link to register.


SheepMetriX supporting the Peter Westblade Scholarship


Footrot - Capturing phenotypic data under Aussie conditions