Kickstart your Sheep Productivity and Profitability Pathway with us.
Photo: Rachael Lenehan Photography
Our point of difference is we provide independent advice and do not take commissions from any products or services recommended.
SheepMetriX is an independent consultancy business working as a team with ram and commercial sheep breeders to improve productivity and profitability with quality information and advice.
We take the time to understand your goals
We understand that no two businesses are the same and care needs to be taken when comparing one business against the other.
We take the time to understand what your goals are and your reasons to engage our business, so that we can help you identify and plan the next steps toward achieving your goals.
Looking for independent advice?
The team at SheepMetriX offer a range of services that can be tailored to your business. We are not aligned with any product, and pride ourselves on providing independent advice in a range of service areas.
We have been able to negotiate rebates and discounts with other service providers including DNA testing, electronic tag options and livestock data management software that are passed onto our clients.
We also offer trial development and project management services to Sheep Industry associations and groups.
At SheepMetriX, we believe in tailoring each job to suit the needs of your individual business. Please contact us for a detailed discussion on pricing.
I’ve been working with SheepMetrix for over 9 years now. We submit data to Sheep Genetics and knowing Sally and her team are able to trouble shoot for us before the data goes in is invaluable.
This allows us to get on with what we do on farm, knowing the data management side of our business is in good hands.
— Dave Vandenberghe, Wattle Dale Merino Stud, WA